It is one of my recent artwork and I think it’s the most important one. I tried to emphasize the desire of human beings to escape to other lands by using nature in a brutal and brutal way. My work is the story of how we escape after adding the cables that we have become natural and integrated with and many other similar implications into our lives. I finished it by working on the original for about 9 months.
This work of mine is the product of a 12 month intensive study that ended in the late 90s.Of course ,I was able to finish it by making dozens of preliminary drawings before starting to work on the original version. The main figure is women, which stands out with the with the physics of the Renaissance periotic includes sadness and anxiety, the worry that the changing living conditions contain worrying artificialities, the future begins to be filled with some wonders and contradictions that create question marks, and the nature, future generations will experience problems. Symbolically, there are cables at almost every point, leading us to become almost unliveable without them. A sad sentence’s egg in the background cannot ignored, it’s a main element to completes the subject.
This work of mine belongs to the 1970s and I tried to deal with the war through the eyes of a child. When we think of war with both, primitive and high technology equipment , both of them called as WAR and two of this brings only killing & death in every situation like a festival of death!! Unfortunately it’s a VIRUS that destroys the hope of children at every circumstances ,ignores PEACE and LOVE and causes him to be humanized.
In this work of mine, I was again wanted to explain that life is not just about ourselves and that thousands of environmental factors and the vital integrity of nature are among the things that give us the pleasure of living .I tried to emphasize that we, human beings will remain incomplete in eternity .That we must peacefully embrace thousand of colours and shapes. I tried to underline it…
This work of mine is to draw attention to the fact that those days went beyond just astonishing and surprising all people & nations :they questioned why we lived through those days and created conditions that would not happen again. Just like experiencing the First World War and the Second World War and ensuring that the mentality that organized the future by learning from them, flourishes…
The most important part of village life is to cultivate and produce the land. In the way, the villager contributes to both his own life and the life of the city. In this work, I discussed such a part of village life. The villagers and their oxen ,who plod their land with great labour, work intensively ..
Unfortunately humanity’s first and most dangerous problem is its endless spending on war and armament ! Even use to having some badly experiences fist and second world war must be more then enough .But still need to show power competition, trying to be number one without thinking result of what happening after all… My this artwork is based on this idea was to reveal the ATOM BOMB and its results..
The 70’s was the period when I was most productive in terms of my painting works and was able to create natural models for myself. I mostly achieved this by following the visually impaired people and keeping a close eye on them. This study was based on such an example. He mostly prefers to be near warm heat and since he is homeless, this place has become like his home. I turned his cane, which he uses as support while walking ,into an electronic device and likened it to a means of communication trough external sensory organs .This was like a symbol of his transition to a new dimension of life and he become my cyber-life model…
Around the 70’s again when I was researching and questioning the science of cybernetics I started to shape and draw CYBORG in line with the information provided by Toygar Akman our country’s cybernetic science representative(writer of the Since & Technology magazine). Of course, we see the changing ways of life the way technology infiltrates all areas of our lives and pacifies us, behaviour, thought and movements .Such a person emerged as a result of observing the change in our shapes and even as many mechanical elements bio logicalized and shaped us without us realizing it. Again, with the egg and the space travel of the generations forced to change, such loneliness seems inevitable…
This work mine belongs to the 1970s and I tried to deal with the war through the eyes of a child. When we think of war with both primitive and high technology equipment, this think called in every case there is destruction and a festival that offers death in every situation! Unfortunately it’s a VIRUS that destroys the child and his hope under all circumstances, ignores peace and love and causes him to be humanized…
This artwork is a work that I have created based on the sum of my thoughts, which generally form the concept of all my works. I often include the egg object as the main element in my works. It’s a central element that symbolized the past and future generations. Here again, I tried to emphasize the artificial change of the life process by humans along with nature and created it by adding some symbolic elements. Of course the egg has its share of this change and has assumed its role in a structurally that is exposed to shaping of human beings happened…
This work of mine tells the story of those who say that it’s time to migrate and set out as a family towards to another planet. In my works, I generally take care to provide visual unity with the present by including Renaissance shapes. This is unique to me and is an analysis of how the past and the future are actually intertwined. Even though we are in the 2000s we do this. It’s because we have to accept the fact that there is a past that provides us…
It is one of my recent work and a dozen of them. I tried to understand the change of life in new and sharp dimensions. I even feel like looking at ourselves in the mirror and asking where we are going. I wish the viewer to look at it by giving them the opportunity to make their own free inquiry…
We should be in good spirits now because our brains have also been chipped, there is no death in the air or on land. I made evaluations about these ideas years ago and thought that what we produce would shape everything we produce and even dominate our lives too. Elon Musk proven this for sure…
We where on a plane and were flying. When we suddenly shook and fell into the space, I just started drew the frightened looks of the women who was in front of me until we were landed. I was greatly frightened too like everyone did but I tried to be get relax with my drawing. This portrait is the story of that fear and journeys drawing…
Life sometimes goes on, presenting us with unexpected obligations and options . Nowadays, we are forced to accept artificial and mechanical elements into our bodies, which not only carries natural beauty further, but also concerns our health. I tried to make such a comparison in this study…
It’s one of my works that I made in the 70’s and I honestly wish I wasn’t so pessimistic these days. But as an artist, especially considering what we see these days it makes me think that we should be more realistic beyond this pessimism. I also want to be able to look at a more colourful life through pink clouds and say everything is so beautiful and everyone is so happy!! But unfortunately we are forced to produce art based on the fear of experience and behaviour left by that we have experienced and seen. Despite the boastfully mentioned space age…
Again, it’s study of my visually impaired natural modelling which I had the opportunity to observe for a long time in the 70s and which enabled me to evaluate cybernetics and cyborg issues , create the robot -human relationship. My aim here is definitely not to disfigure people but to emphasize how much our emotions can change depending on the conditions we are in It’s a search for the formation of the emotions that nourish a blind person’s relationship with the outside world…
Another emotions and us work from another my model I worked and enjoyed drawing details while he was seating on his chare ..Normally he was holding his walking stick as a wooden one but I changed it as a electronic device. Like we are all holding things on our hands even we can’t stand to live without any phone or devices in our life this days… All our emotions connected with those devices and cables ,recharges by them as well unfortunately !!!
It’s another work that is a continuation and complement of my work Dreaming for Escape. It can also be called an escape from anxiety and responsibility for the future. She harbours hope and escape for better more reliable life and even wishes to give birth to her child in more liveable lands. She runs away, runs away leaving behind a world with a climate crisis.. Running away much easier then anything, everything probably !!!
For a long time, even during the period that including my most productive period in my painting works, I have been continuing my search and questioning of how technology will affect our lives and even our behaviours too. I took care to create the main subject of my artworks based on this idea. This series of drawings are the products of such a story from my art world…
The most important part of village life is to cultivate and produce the land. In the way, the villager contributes to both his own life and the life of the city. In this work, I discussed such a part of village life. The villagers and their oxen ,who plod their land with great labour, work intensively ..